Suomen ekosysteemi observatorio FEO -hanke saa arvoisensa lopetuksen 17.4.2024 Suomenlinnassa järjestettävässä loppuseminaarissa. Seminaarissa pääset kuulemaan kansainvälisiä puheenvuoroja, oppimaan uutta ja vaikuttumaan FEO-hankkeen lukuisista tuotoksista.
Ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan aukeaa kutsuvieraille 15.2. ja avoin ilmoittautuminen 1.3. Ilmoittautuminen sulkeutuu kaikilta 20.3. Tapahtumaa voi myös seurata etänä streamin välityksellä. Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.
Linkki striimiin: Finnish Ecosystem Observatory’s final seminar (
Tapahtuman ohjelma:
- 9.00 Morning coffee
- 9.30 – 11.10 Global and European Biodiversity Observation Systems
- Welcome words, Leif Schulman, Syke
- National perspectives to science-policy arena, Laura Höijer, Ministry of Environment
- The missing link: Global Biodiversity Observation System (GBiOS), Andrew Gonzalez, Uni McGill, GEO BON
- Comments to the GBiOS: Interplay of BIFs and BONs is needed at all scales, Tim Hirsch, GBIF
- Introduction to European Biodiversity Observation Coordination Centre (EBOCC), Camino Liquete, JRC
- Comment: European perspectives for biodiversity observations, Janica Borg, EEA
- Finnish Ecosystem Observatory in the beginning of the new era of biodiversity science, Petteri Vihervaara, Syke
- 11.10-11.25 Nature Talks To Us, Art & Science collaboration, Joona & Tapani Toivanen
- 11.25-12.40 Lunch
- 12.40-14.20 FEO outcomes 1: Data & Observations
- Making the most of the field inventory data and observations
- Habitat type monitoring in Finland – old data and new approaches
- Systematic species inventories – revisiting 90 schemes
- Environmental DNA and other molecular biological methods
- Advancing the uptake of Earth Observation
- Quantifying ecosystem condition from space – a case study of Aapa mires
- Artificial intelligence detecting rare nature phenomenon – uncommon tree species and deadwood
- Biodiversity and ecosystem models to cultivate information
- Carbon balance of regional land-use scenarios with integration of forest carbon processes and biodiversity
- 14.20-14.50 Coffee break
- 14.50-16.00 FEO outcomes 2: Knowledge & Applications
- Enhancing availability and findability of national nature information
- The Finnish Nature Information Hub – demonstration and next steps
- The role of biodiversity knowledge in sustainability transformation
- Demostarting use of biodiversity data – applications
- Indicator pipelines enable comparable and up-to-date information for the use of society,
- 16:05-16:30 FEO Futures: Observations for Science and the Society
- Biodiversity and ecosystem observations and collaboration networks in the past, present and the future, Joona Lehtomäki, Ministry of Environment
- Seminar ends
Muutokset ohjelmaan ovat mahdollisia.
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