Work package 1: Environmental information supporting decision making

Work package

Our aim is to improve the interaction between knowledge producers and users, and to ensure the use of environmental information in decision making. By mapping the societal needs for environmental information, we can identify challenges and successful practices and further strengthen the boundary between science and policy. FEO aims to serve diverse national actors and decision makers, on the municipal and regional levels as well, and therefore, all work packages identify challenges on various levels and scales, in both knowledge production and use. We are working closely together with other work packages as well as the Ministry of the Environment to ensure these aims are met.


Riikka Paloniemi

Head of Unit
Riikka Paloniemi
+358 407 017 250

For more information

To develop the usefulness of environmental information, we study the current needs and gaps as well as the diversity and accessibility of information. For example, EU directive reporting, and the assessment of threatened habitat types and species have been identified as resource-heavy tasks by the environmental administration. Strengthening science-policy boundary is a way to ease the workload and to achieve better knowledge exchange practices. Both the knowledge production and utilisation practices are co-developed and simultaneously implemented with stakeholders.

FEO aims to learn from international ecosystem observatories and networks such as Australia’s land ecosystem observatory (TERN) The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)in the USA or the South African environmental observatory network (SAEON) and The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) where multiple local networks and active citizens participate. Through international cooperation, we can develop the information needs of international biodiversity policy, e.g., UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) reports, Sustainable Development Goals -indicators or variety of ecosystem assessments (for example, IPBES).